What to Do Now: Review your Medication Ordering Policy. But, don’t overlook the policy component of this standard. This requirement seems somewhat obvious and one would expect that medication orders would routinely contain all of this information. The 2021 change is the standard now specifies that these minimum elements must include medication name, medication dose, medication route, and medication frequency. For organizations that prescribe medication, this standard has always required a written policy defining the minimum elements of a medication order. This change clarifies the minimum required elements of a complete medication order.

Medication Orders: Medication Management Chapter (MM.04.01.01 EP 2)
Sentinel event definition jcaho update#
If you currently have a 90% goal but want to change it, be sure to update your IC plan so you’re not held to that 90% goal come survey time. What to Do Now: Review your Infection Control Plan and your goals for flu vaccination. For more details, see our recent post Joint Commission Flu Vaccination Requirements: 90% Goal Eliminated. The difference is you get to set your own targets based on your current compliance rate and your improvement goals. You still need to educate staff, offer the vaccine, and collect data on flu vaccination rates. However, this doesn’t mean you don’t need a full-fledged flu vaccination program. TJC eliminated the requirement for having the goal of a 90% compliance rate for flu vaccination. These are as follows: 90% Flu Vaccination Goal: Infection Control Chapter (IC.02.04.01 EP 5)
Sentinel event definition jcaho manual#
There are some changes to the Joint Commission 2021 standards in the Hospital Manual and the Behavioral Health Manual that are the same in both manuals. So, here’s the highlights of the 2021 changes and some tips for ensuring compliance: New 2021 Requirements: Same in Behavioral Health Manual and Hospital Manual Our experience is when a new year begins, surveyors often focus on the new requirements for that year. Are you all squared away with the Joint Commission 2021 standards that went into effect January 1st? Now is a good time for a final check to be sure you’re fully compliant with all the new 2021 requirements.